2017-10-26 06:57 AM
I'm using STM32F0 Discovery and need to store values in SRAM when MCU is powered off.
I already removed SB1 shunt. Then VBAT is not powered from VDD but pin3 of P1 (VBAT pin supplied with 3V).When I turn off my STM23f0 device and turn on again the values are not stored.
It is possible to do this in this device?
If it is possible, someone can help me?
2017-10-26 07:03 AM
Look to see if there is some BKPRAM, or what remains powered in STANDBY mode...
2017-10-26 09:26 AM
Thanks for your answer , ♯ Clive One.
There are only 5 backup registers, but I needed at least 6...:(
I can't do this with this MCU.2017-10-26 10:11 AM
The STM32F051 has 20-bytes of user space, perhaps you don't need the full 32-bit range for the data you want to store.
Might also want to consider the use of L0 or L4 series parts in new applications.
2017-11-10 05:09 AM
You can also think about some FRAM/MRAM attached via I2C