2008-03-13 1:49 AM
STM32 MCU, DSP features and working temperature
2011-05-17 3:26 AM
We are currently using a Microchip dsPIC33 for a general DSP/MCU application. However, we are limited by the size of its memory RAM (16kbytes) and its 16-bit DSP core. We would indeed prefer to have at least 20kbytes of RAM memory and a 32-bit DSP core. Our constraints are: - small size, ex = LQFP64, 10x10mm - low power - high working temperature, up to 150 degrees C (preferably 175) - 32-bit MAC instructions with general 32-bit DSP libraries (FFT,FIR filtering, etc.) - RAM memory (at least 20kbytes) I have seen that the STM32F103RB could match the constraints: low power, small size, RAM memory. However, I'm not too sure about its DSP features. Could you please tell me if there are any DSP libraries which can be used? Also, I've seen on ST website that the STM32 MCU has been qualified up to 105 degrees. Do you know any application that includes a STM32 which works up to 150 degrees C (or even 175)? Thank you for your help! Guillaume