2013-08-16 8:23 AM
Hi there, I am new to STemWin, have a question about using Memory devices. I observe some strange behaviour of window appearance using memdev and reproduced it in short piece of code, could you please explain. Background window created and displayed, has only one element, text. Code:
int main(void) { NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4); BSP_Init(); WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV); GUI_Init(); WM_HWIN hText_X; hText_X = TEXT_CreateEx(0, 0, 320, 30, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_TEXT0, ''TEXT_AAAA''); TEXT_SetFont(hText_X, &GUI_Font24B_ASCII); TEXT_SetTextAlign(hText_X, GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER); TEXT_SetTextColor(hText_X, GUI_YELLOW); while (1) { GUI_Delay(50); } } Result: triple corrupted image of desired text. Please see picture. When background window created and displayed NOT using memdev (line WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV); removed) text displayed correctly. Please see picture. (text color, size and alignment does not change anything). Same story with pictures. I use STM324xG-EVAL board, but tried on few STM32F40x MC, same story. What is wrong? Sincerely Serge #memdev-strange-behaviour2013-08-22 11:41 PM
i also have the same the question .
i don't know about.2013-08-26 7:24 AM
I found where problem was: my poor knowledge of emWin.
2013-08-26 5:02 PM
Hello Serge,
What a nice gesture on your part - surely helpful - much appreciated and thank you. 1600 pgs of docs/specs - and you read ''several times!'' (assume your frayed copy of ''War & Peace'' - unfindable/unavailable...) Vendor's site (emWin) may also guide, explain - don't believe too many here have had time to fully understand/master. Thanks again...2013-08-27 7:14 AM
Hi Sprague, sorry there is only 1080 pages.
''War & Peace'' I read completely just once, but enjoyed it in it original language. Vendor of emWin (Segger) would not provide much support, because Segger was paid by ST, not by end-users. Would be nice if ST will dedicate some person to learn/support STemWin deeper, because this GUI is really, really nice, working product, with smallest RAM/ROM footprint of such quality/features of graphics. I believe it will be used more and more by ST community in future. Thanks a lot, you bought that for us! Serge