2009-04-14 11:23 PM
ST should enable commenting in PDF documents
2011-05-17 4:09 AM
Just wondered if there's a place to send corrections/suggestions on the RM0008 manual? I occasionally run across a small thing or two that costs me a little time figuring out.
Yes, this is where electronic documentation really falls down: in the Good Old Days (sic) of paper documents, you could at least pencil-in your corrections & observations - so as not to be caught-out again, and for the benefit of others.
Now, Adobe Reader does have the facility to do this (as ''Comments'' or ''Annotations'') - but ST (like most others) disable it. :| This should also make it easier to feed the corrections & comments back to ST, and make it easier for ST to update the documents :) Sounds like everyone's a winner - the users get more useful documentation, and ST get a quicker & easier route to better documentation! :D [ This message was edited by: st7 on 15-04-2009 12:02 ]