2018-01-12 12:33 PM
I am using the 'STM32CubeFunctionPack_BLESTAR1_V1.4.0'.
When try to setup WiFi SSID, it try to prompt for serial terminal input for data.
It crash while calling first 'scanf()'....any setting require to enable this support ?
2018-01-12 12:36 PM
btw, I am using SW4STM32 on STM32F401RE-Nucleo
2018-01-12 1:13 PM
Make sure you have some retargeting of STDIO functions
#if defined (__GNUC__)
/** @brief putchar call for standard output implementation
* @param ch Character to print * @retval Character printed */int __io_putchar(int ch){ return uartSendChar(ch);}/** @brief getchar call for standard input implementation
* @param None * @retval Character acquired from standard input */int __io_getchar(void){ return uartReceiveChar();}#endif
And that you don't do '%d' or '%x' into an &char