2021-01-13 5:36 AM
I've never noticed this problem before. I am using v9.3.0 which has always worked previously, I have not knowingly changed anything. I have tried running as administrator, tried at home and work. Is there anything else I can try?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-17 11:59 PM
TrueSTUDIO is tagged as NRND (Not Recommended for New Developement).
The old company Atollic was acquierd by ST more than three years ago. TrueSTUDIO was actively developed until first release of STM32CubeIDE. Then there were just a few maintenance releases.
The download numbers on TrueSTUDIO have since that dropped significantly and many users have migrated to STM32CubeIDE (or other tools). Keeping the necessary IT-infrastructure of TrueSTUDIO online requires resources (securit updates, monitoring, ...), and we rather focus all resources on continued development of STM32CubeIDE .
As such all public IT-infrastructure related to Atollic/TrueSTUDIO was killed end of 2020 and replaced with re-directs to similar pages on st.com.
TrueSTORE, was not considered necessary to keep alive, due to the limited usage numbers.
Furthermore TrueSTORE example projects were very old, mostly relying on the StdPeriph drivers.
Thank your for your understanding!
2021-01-13 11:26 PM
Tried on another machine, still the same issue. Please can somebody from ST comment as it would appear TrueSTORE is no longer accessible? It is quite an important feature!
2021-01-17 11:59 PM
TrueSTUDIO is tagged as NRND (Not Recommended for New Developement).
The old company Atollic was acquierd by ST more than three years ago. TrueSTUDIO was actively developed until first release of STM32CubeIDE. Then there were just a few maintenance releases.
The download numbers on TrueSTUDIO have since that dropped significantly and many users have migrated to STM32CubeIDE (or other tools). Keeping the necessary IT-infrastructure of TrueSTUDIO online requires resources (securit updates, monitoring, ...), and we rather focus all resources on continued development of STM32CubeIDE .
As such all public IT-infrastructure related to Atollic/TrueSTUDIO was killed end of 2020 and replaced with re-directs to similar pages on st.com.
TrueSTORE, was not considered necessary to keep alive, due to the limited usage numbers.
Furthermore TrueSTORE example projects were very old, mostly relying on the StdPeriph drivers.
Thank your for your understanding!
2021-03-13 6:36 PM
Yes, I want projects with StdPeriph drivers. How do you imagine writing any normal project for STM32F030F4 with HAL library. Initialization consumes more than half of the Flash memory
Why not put those old projects on your server. It's not a big amount of memory on the server. You sell controllers with 16kBit of memory and expect someone to use libraries like HAL.
A huge number of very good programmers come from the world of Arduino, and everyone was thrilled with the arrival of a new, powerful, series of controllers, and then comes this disappointment with HAL libraries. In some controllers there is room only for the "Blink" project and that's it.
Thank you.