2014-08-15 9:22 AM
I have followed the documentation UM1550 STM32 Demonstration Builder developer guide, at Chapter 5 Bulding a Module. Also I have used the template file provided with the Demo, to add this new module and I was successful to include an icon in the right location.Now, when I click in the icon the code goes nowhere at: (highlighted part)static void TEMPLATE_INFO_SwitchPage(GL_Page_TypeDef* pParent, uint32_t PageIndex){ /* Switch to new page, and free previous one. */ GL_Page_TypeDef* NextPage = NULL; (*pParent).ShowPage(pParent, GL_FALSE); DestroyPage(pParent);vPortFree(pParent);
pParent = NULL; if (PageIndex == PAGE_MENU) { GL_ShowMainMenu(); return; }vPortFree is a FreeRTOS function is a call to free up RAM, but it may be a pointer problem where there's no definition of the pointer or something, I don;t know.The original Modules work ok. I am missing something here?Please help, Thanks.