2018-05-16 7:29 AM
We are using STM32L071KZU3 MCU in our design and providing 1.8V to VDD,VDDIO2 and VDDA domains of MCU.
The on-board source voltage to MCU is exactly 1.78V(instead of 1.8V). During power-up, we could see the reset pin of MCU is being held low. Also during power-up if we provide 1.82V to the MCU externally, the MCU reset is being released high.Can you please let me know,how input voltage influences MCU reset behaviour.
2018-05-16 7:59 AM
There is a POR (Power On Reset) circuit that clamps NRST until the supply thresholds. I'm sure this is described/diagrammed in the Data Sheet, please try reviewing that.