2008-08-26 8:46 PM
LQFP footprint direction
2011-05-17 3:42 AM
the STM32F103x datasheet (p.74 ''Recommended footprint'') suggest that the footprint pin numbers for LQFP100 and LQFP64 incrase counterclockwise, and for LQFP48 icrease clockwise ? Really? Thank you in advance for the clearance. [ This message was edited by: renon on 26-08-2008 12:40 ]2011-05-17 3:42 AM
Hi Renon,
Please refer to the lasted datasheet on web Hope this helps you. Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 3:42 AM
Oh, yes. Thanks and sorry...
I was convinced my datasheet copy of May08 was quite fresh. But this version of July08 is newer - and corrected. Thank you very much for your quick response. I am very sorry for making this noise. Regards ps. Maybe it would be better just to remove my post as it is useless now? [ This message was edited by: renon on 26-08-2008 20:26 ]2011-05-17 3:42 AM
remove my post as it is useless now?
Not at all - it may well help someone else still looking at a May datasheet... :D