2014-02-19 1:33 PM
i saw this library at USB-host example. I decided to try use this library not with USB but with SD card. I am trying to get understand how this library works, but it doesnt seems to be so easy. I have problem withunderstanding
of LCD_LOG_Exported_Macros. for example : #define LCD_UsrLog(...) LCD_LineColor = LCD_LOG_DEFAULT_COLOR;\ printf(__VA_ARGS__);\ In main program i use: LCD_UsrLog(''> Hello.\n''); LCD_UsrLog(''> Hi.\n''); Both texts are written on LCD 2nd one under the 1st one. I have no clue, what part of code does that? Does any1 has an experience with this library? Can some1 please explain me, how does it works? Thanks a lot, Jan2014-02-19 1:57 PM
The STDIO character output stream is captured and directed to the LCD
PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE How exactly this integrates depends on the compiler/tool-chain used.2014-02-19 2:43 PM
Thx for answer, now I see the connection between