2012-11-13 1:44 PM
With help from this forum, I've developed a lab course using the STM32VL Discovery board over the past year. A draft of the lab manual is available at
http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~geobrown/book.pdfan overview of the course here (sorry copyright materials are restricted)http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~geobrown/c335and the code templates used are here:https://github.com/geoffreymbrown/STM32-TemplateFeedback is welcome.Geoffrey2012-11-13 2:16 PM
This is good news - thank you. Will read/review over next few days.
Would you be so good as to detail how you chose that particular STM32F? That - along with course content would be of much interest.2012-11-14 5:46 AM
The decision had more to do with timing than anything else. The development process started in Fall 2010 and the stm32vl discovery board had recently become available. The later STM32L0 board doesn't seem very flexible. The F3 and F4 boards are fabulous, but came too late to be considered. We are working on a follow-on class which will use the F3 board. My primary goal was to make everything off-the-shelf so students to could see a path to rolling their own projects. Really, the only limitation of the VL discovery board is RAM (only 8K), but that hasn't been a big problem for teaching. There are plenty of STM32F103 boards available which can use exactly the same source code.
Geoffrey2012-11-14 6:36 AM
Geoffrey, this isn't a technical issue but I'm guessing that where you have ''Forward'' you meant ''Foreword''?
2012-11-14 7:45 AM