2016-04-18 11:25 PM
Hi Team,
When studying IR OUT function of STM32F030K6, cannot find more detail configuration about IR OUT, is it same as TIM17_CH1 if don't consider the driving capability? It means the signal can be sent out through TIM17_CH1 too?Actually I need on-line debug the IR function, but the IR OUR it multiplexed with SWDIO in 030K6 device.Best Regards,JH #030k6-ir-out2016-04-19 6:42 AM
Hi liu.jianhui,
I recommend you to have a look to the ''Implementation of transmitters and receivers for infrared remote..'', sections ''2.1 hardware consideration part and ''2.2 IR transmitter '', where you find description around the PB9 pin which is IR-OUT:“The IR interface (see Figure 8) is very easy to configure and uses two signals provided by two STM32 timers: TIM17 is used to provide the carrier frequency and TIM16 provides the actual signal to be sent.�
“To generate the infrared remote control signals, TIM16 channel 1 (TIM16_OC1) and TIM17 channel 1 (TIM17_OC1) must be properly configured to generate correct waveforms. All standard IR pulse modulation modes can be obtained by programming the two timer output compare channels. The infrared function is output on the TIM_IR pin. The activation of this function is done through the GPIOx_AFRx register by enabling the related alternate function bit.�
In the alternate function table in STM32F030x4 datasheet, you find that for PB9 pin: ( AF0: IR_OUT / AF2 : TIM17_CH1)