2014-07-18 12:18 PM
I'm getting the following build error, it appears ''IMAGE_SetPNG'' is not defined in STemWin library. Building configuration: Project - STM324x9I_EVAL_MB1046 Updating build tree... kohler_windowDLG.c Linking Error[Li005]: no definition for ''IMAGE_SetPNG'' [referenced from C:\Users\kocd3y3\Downloads\ST\stm32cubef4\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.3.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\ Applications\STemWin\STemWin_SampleDemo\EWARM\STM324x9I_EVAL_MB1046\Obj\kohler_windowDLG.o] Error while running Linker Total number of errors: 1 Total number of warnings: 02014-08-06 04:53 AM
Please ensure that kohler_windowDLG.c file is including the dialog.h header file which includes also the IMAGE.h header file containing the IMAGE_SetPNG() STemWin function prototype:void IMAGE_SetPNG (IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pData, U32 FileSize);
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