2014-04-08 6:37 AM
I m working on STM32F303. I have interfaced I2C2 to EEPROM and DS3231 with pullups on SDA and SCL..
Issue: After Reset, SDA and SCL line is held high (it only happens ocassionally)..While I2C works properly, i can access both(EEROM and DS3231)2014-04-08 6:59 AM
The pins are pulled high, the idle state of I2C is high, the problem is what?
2014-04-08 7:03 AM
2014-04-08 7:06 AM
2014-04-08 7:20 AM
The I2C implementation on the STM32's is UGLY, there are conditions depending on how (order) you bring up the pins, that the peripheral will see a LOW pin and enter a BUSY mode. Is that what you're talking about? What status is the peripheral reporting in this condition?
Also chips hung on the I2C bus often don't have a RESET, if they get hung in an odd state you might need to clock them out manually.