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How to transmit serially two data simultaneously in MATLAB.

Associate III

I am using STM32CubeIDE to generate a code and want to transmit two different data(voltage and temperature of battery) serially . I am able to transmit single data at a time means i am able to check voltage or temperature individually but when i am trying to send both the data simultaneously ,facing some problems like it reads only one data or getting data of voltage and temperature alternately .But i want to get separate data for further use. Please give me any suggestion.


Hi. Add some markers to your transmission packet. For example, packet can be: 0xAA, TempL, TempH, 0xBB, VolL, VolH. So you can handle markers and find out what data type follow after it.

Thanks for your response sir,as you said that add some markers in transmission packet then it will not be a syntax error of transmission? I mean in transmit i can send only five parameters, so how can i add 6th one?