2017-10-17 05:27 AM
Hello all,
I am using theX-CUBE-BLE1 example project in my custom board. It is working perfectly. Instead of the fake data, I have linked with the real temparature sensor data which i am getting over SPI ADC.
I am using the BlueNRG android apps. I can see the the real sensor data in the environment tab.
As I am prety new is this kind project, my question is how can I add new characteristic for environmental sensor service. I have five temparature sensor. From the example it is given how to add new service ( Time service and LED service). But for them an UUID_128 is already defined at the top. I do not know how to add the UUID s or what is rule to obtain new UUID for this application.#bluenrg-advertizing #bluetooth #sensor #bluetooth-low-energy-ios-android #ble #st-bluenrg #temerature-sensor #ble-128-bit-custom-uuid #st-bluetooth