2014-12-27 12:44 AM
Can somebody tell me the difference between two function RCC_GetITStatus and RCC_GetFlagStatus? And which case should I use for each one? I use STM32F103C8 chip. Thank you. Best regards.2014-12-27 8:44 AM
If you check the source files it can help you allot. Your using the Cube or the Standard peripheral library? For which series?In the standard peripheral library for F0
For the RCC_GetITStatus:It checks the RCC->CIR register for the flag you passed as parameter.For the RCC_GetFlagStatus:It checks various registers depending on which flag you want to check. It checks either:RCC->CR - Clock control registerRCC->BDCR - RTC domain control registerRCC->CSR - Control/status registerRCC->CR2 -Clock control register 2For more info about the registers check the reference manual.To info about the functions and how they work remember to check the source files. They have really helpful comments
2015-12-28 5:19 PM
I use Standard peripheral library and STM32F103C8. Thank you for supporting me! I also check the source file stm32f10x_rcc.c but did not pay attention to these. Best regards.