2018-01-10 5:44 AM
Hello, i have Discovery kit LoRa, i will implement my algorithm in this cards for tests, and i want to know if i can make changes in the part of the header of the message lora? if it's possible to do this, where can i do it ? Thanks Norhane BENKAHLA
2018-01-10 9:51 AM
Can we please not put the entire question in the summary line?
LoRa or LoRaWAN ?
What are you sending? What portion do you want to change? What would be the purpose of changing it?
You could change the preamble bytes but it would make it incompatible with other COTS devices.
2018-01-10 12:02 PM
I want to change a header of lorawan. I want to add another fields for testing my algorithm. The fields will indicate different informations about a device, for exemple priority of device, the time on air that the device will consume during 1 cycle. Is ti possible to add new fields in the header of frame ? How can i do this ?