2008-09-04 4:15 AM
Hard Fault
2011-05-17 3:43 AM
Still there with the same problem: what can cause a Bus Fault: Instruction bus error (which is what is reported in the IAR debug log window) on an STM32 ? Many Thanks I am using a STM32 with uC/OS-II from an IAR 5.11 toolchain. I am having a strange problem, the system hangs in the APP_Fault_ISR() randomly (meaning that it can happen straight away or half an hour later). Once in this ISR I am able to make out (by analysing the stack) that it was executing either 'OSIntExit()' or OSStartHighRdy() (in which case the ASM instruction causing the failure is ''CPSIE I''). Would appreciate a little help on this as I am running out of ideas. Many thanks, Laurent2011-05-17 3:43 AM
Hi there,
When the fault occurred, is the stacked PC pointing to a invalid address range? I guess the the bus fault is caused by instruction access in a invalid memory range. Some information about analysis of the stack can be found here http://www.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-6778-23.html but I guess you have already done that. Joseph