2015-02-06 6:16 AM
I have Touch LCD interface connected to my STM32F429I , on the board , the PENIRQ of the touch chip (XPT2046) is connected to PE3 , thus it is connected to EXTI3. I tested the touch module and could make it work perfectly . When I use the DMA2D to perform R2M operation , everything works fine . But only when I use the M2M mode , the EXTI3 interrupt is generated and the EXTI3 flag is never cleared , even if i try clear it more than one time in the ISR . This is really strange and obviously I can not say it could be some cross talk between the IO pins , because the LCD is on all the time . Its only when i try to use the DMA2D in M2M mode , the EXTI3 is generated without me touching the screen .
Here is the simple par of the code ////LCD_DRAW_RGB565_BMP((uint8_t*)BMP,240,320);while(LCD_CHECK_STATUS()!=LCD_SUCCESS);LCD_TOUCH_CON_INIT ();// while(1) { LED_TOGGLE; Delay_ms(1000); }//// The EXTI3 interrupt is generated all the time //When i use the following code instead LCD_Clear(BLUE); while(LCD_CHECK_STATUS()!=LCD_SUCCESS);LCD_TOUCH_CON_INIT ();// while(1) { LED_TOGGLE; Delay_ms(1000); }//Everything works fine and the EXTI3 interrupt is never generated till i touch the screen//// Here is the implementation of the R2M mode and the M2M mode M2M mode void LCD_DRAW_RGB565_BMP (uint8_t * BMP_ptr , uint16_t height , uint16_t width){ DMA2D_InitTypeDef dma2d ; DMA2D_FG_InitTypeDef FG; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_DMA2D ; RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA2D,ENABLE); DMA2D_DeInit(); dma2d.DMA2D_CMode=DMA2D_RGB565; dma2d.DMA2D_Mode=DMA2D_M2M; dma2d.DMA2D_NumberOfLine=(uint32_t)height; dma2d.DMA2D_PixelPerLine=(uint32_t)width; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputBlue=0; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputGreen=0; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputRed=0; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd=LCD_FRAME_BUFFER; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputOffset= 0; FG.DMA2D_FGCM=CM_RGB565; FG.DMA2D_FGC_BLUE=0; FG.DMA2D_FGC_GREEN=0; FG.DMA2D_FGC_RED=0; FG.DMA2D_FGMA=(uint32_t)(BMP_ptr); FG.DMA2D_FGO=0; FG.DMA2D_FGPFC_ALPHA_MODE=NO_MODIF_ALPHA_VALUE ; FG.DMA2D_FGPFC_ALPHA_VALUE=0; // // Configure the Fourground DMA2D_FGConfig(&FG); DMA2D_Init(&dma2d); NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannel=DMA2D_IRQn; NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd=ENABLE; NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority=1; NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority=0; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_DMA2D); // DMA2D_ITConfig(DMA2D_CR_CEIE|DMA2D_CR_TCIE|DMA2D_CR_TEIE,ENABLE); LCD_STATUS=LCD_IN_PROGRESS; DMA2D_StartTransfer();}////////R2M mode void LCD_Clear(uint16_t Color){ DMA2D_InitTypeDef dma2d ; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_DMA2D ; DMA2D_DeInit(); RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA2D,ENABLE); dma2d.DMA2D_CMode=DMA2D_RGB565; dma2d.DMA2D_Mode=DMA2D_R2M ; dma2d.DMA2D_NumberOfLine=272; dma2d.DMA2D_PixelPerLine=480; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputBlue=(uint32_t)((Color&0x001F)<<3); dma2d.DMA2D_OutputGreen=(uint32_t)((Color&0x07E0)>>3); dma2d.DMA2D_OutputRed=(uint32_t)((Color&0xF800)>>8); dma2d.DMA2D_OutputAlpha=0xFF; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd=LCD_FRAME_BUFFER; dma2d.DMA2D_OutputOffset= 0; // DMA2D_Init(&dma2d); NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannel=DMA2D_IRQn; NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd=ENABLE; NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority=1; NVIC_DMA2D.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority=0; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_DMA2D); // DMA2D_ITConfig(DMA2D_CR_CEIE|DMA2D_CR_TCIE|DMA2D_CR_TEIE,ENABLE); LCD_STATUS=LCD_IN_PROGRESS; DMA2D_StartTransfer();}////This is really crazy , I would appreciate any help , Thx in advance .