2013-07-21 8:39 AM
In the register description in the page 516 of STM32F4 reference manual, there are no OPM bit in CR1 of TIM10/11/13/14, but the description says nothing about it doesn't support this feature, and the function TIM_SelectOnePulseModefirmware also don't check the timer.
2013-07-21 9:28 AM
Couldn't you simply validate if the bit is settable, and the feature functional?
2013-07-21 10:35 AM
The result is't important, I'm confused whether the document conflicts or I got something wrong in reading the document.
2013-07-21 2:36 PM
And I'm saying if you can't set the bit then the register documentation, and your interpretation is correct. And it'd take a minute of your time to do it.
2013-07-21 7:35 PM
The other problem is these timers only have a single channel, so supplying a secondary source for a trigger is going to be a challenge, along with the absence of an SMCR register to select a source.
2013-07-22 6:35 AM
Well, I have tried TIM10 and TIM13, the OPM is available in these timers. I'm wondering whether it's just a document mistake or in some version of chip, the OPM is not available in these timers?