2008-12-16 8:55 AM
DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THE STM32-SK from IAR systems has FSMC peripheral?
2011-05-17 3:56 AM
I am having issues running my external flash program on STM32SK DEV Board. Now i am wondering if it even has the FSMC peripheral? Can't seem to find the document pertaining to the board pin descriptions.
2011-05-17 3:56 AM
Nope, it does not.
The kit comes with a 64 pin MCU and does not feature FSMC. FSMC is present only in high density device. High-density devices are STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 256 and 512 Kbytes. As stated in the top header of section 18: FSMC of the family reference manual: RM0008.2011-05-17 3:56 AM
That helps a bunch, thank you!
Do you have any experience with the timing computations for external NAND flash?