2014-09-05 10:57 PM
Hi, I am new to ST.
I have a STM32F405 MCU. Can someone please advise on the best way to customise PWM Output. I need to create a wave that is 180 degrees out of phase both with the same Frequency, Duty Cycle adjustable and also be adjustable for any necessary Frequency Changes.2014-09-06 2:04 AM
Ok, I see it. Timer Synchronisation. My goal can be achieved by Syncronising two separate Timers, one Master, one Slave and setting them via the Manual:
See Pages: P. 606, P. 554 for info…// Configure Master Timer - Mine is Timer 8 Channel 1
CR2.SetBits(1 << 5); // <--- Bits 6:4 MMS[2:0]: Master mode selection
// Congifure Slave - My case is Timer 1 Channel 1
SMCR.SetBits(7 << 1); // <--- Bits 2:0 SMS: Slave mode selection
SMCR.ClearBits(7 << 4); // <--- Bits 6:4 TS: Trigger selection
Yes I am using the Microframework...
All the best