2014-05-27 9:31 AM
We've designed a simple test board for stm32f407 but I am failing to figure out how to activate USB bootloader.
I have boot0 pulled high and I have boot1/PB2 pulled down as Pattern1 in AN2606 tells me to do. The diagram http://i.imgur.com/RyCuRoV.png also has a 'USB cable detected check' - this one I am not sure how it is implemented, but I have VBUS/PA9 pulled to 5v. I know that USB does work - my firmware uses USB and it works just fine. What am I missing? Here is the board: http://rusefi.com/images/forum_posts/brain_board.jpg Schematics: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/rusefi/code/trunk/hardware/brain_board/Schematic.pdf From my experience with discovery board I am expecting Windows to see the board as 'ST DFU mode something' device.