2019-07-03 1:49 PM
Total clueless newbie question: Which way do I plug a USB Micro-B into the Nucleo-F767ZI CN13 USB-OTG Micro-AB connector so that the Nucleo is a USB device to a PC USB host?
A Micro-B plug is polarized by its trapezoidal shape and can only plug one way into a normal Micro-B receptacle. But with the Nucleo's rectangular Micro-AB the plug can be flipped 180 degrees and go in either way. The pins on a Micro-B are Vcc, D-, D+, ID, and GND, 1 through 5 so it seems that getting it wrong will be a disaster with Vcc shorted to ground.
I've compiled STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.14.0/Projects/STM32F767ZI-Nucleo/Applications/USB_Device/HID_Standalone and want to test it without releasing the magic smoke from my Nucleo board. Thanks for any advice.
2019-07-03 3:28 PM
Possibly answered my own question ...
The Micro-AB receptacle has pins on both top and bottom of its internal tab while Micro-B plugs only have them on one side of their matching slot. So it can go in either way because the top and bottom of the receptacle are mirror images of each other?
Can anyone confirm this before I take chance and try?