2012-01-19 9:19 AM
Hello, I'm very new to this and I was wondering if anyone can give me some pointers on how to migrate this code the F4 discovery board, the original was written an EVAL board.
the code is a part ofhttp://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/FIRMWARE/um0424.zip
library package.Thanks in Advance,G #stm32f4-discovery #usb-custom-id-demo-product-id #custom-usb-hid #usb2012-01-21 4:01 PM
is a big
, I justworking on it! :) But your link is Full Speed application only. I like to write the general FS/HS application.
2012-01-27 4:37 AM
Good news: the Custom USB HID demo for STM32F4 Discovery kit is working!
The demo application is available at Application is compatible with the USB HID Demonstrator from ST website.2012-02-03 12:16 PM
Wonderful, works, thumbs up!
2012-12-07 3:25 PM