2012-09-04 8:32 AM
I am trying to implement � USB Test & Measurement Class � on STM32F107 Microcontroler Familly.
I use the lastest librarie version � STM32 USB On-The-Go Host and Device Library � V2.0.0.
To have notification on usb setup stage, I had to modified the usbd_req.c file because the event (endpoint) from the host with an non standard request was ignored !
The librarie should check if bmRequest is an USB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD, USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS or USB_REQ_TYPE_VENDOR type.
I don't know if it's the best method, but if you have some tips, thank you in advance for your replies.
Best regards, Thierry
#stm32f107-usb-device-usbd_req.c2015-08-07 7:48 AM
I'm in the same situation, had to do this with some USB device code some years ago, I checked back just today and found latest Cube 1.2.0 seems to still have this issue. Is there something I'm missing?
Another thing, I note that these forums are still as horrendous as ever, throwing error messages at every opportunity and giving horrible cramped areas for writing replies in. Common ST!
In short, it sucks! There are plenty of good (or at least better) forum softwares in use by many other websites, why not use one of them?