2013-03-11 4:37 AM
I downloaded the latest FREERTOS version 7.4 and I'm using the demo ''CORTEX_STM32F103_IARCORTEX_STM32F103_IAR''My big problem is that the stm32f10x files are not updated (from 2006).Is there a newer port for STM32f103 for freertos?ThanksGil Ramon #freertos #stm322013-03-11 7:46 AM
In such situation one normally breaks out the merge tool and gets it done. I've done this numerous times to get support for specific chips, tool chains, and libraries.
My understanding of how this works is that people submit examples which get included, but otherwise receive no additional updating. You could try some of the other submissions and see if they use the newer libraryhttp://interactive.freertos.org/forums/135228-STmicroelectronics