2012-02-14 1:49 PM
Title says it all. I'm looking at purchasing a USB host stack, and one of the vendors mentioned that perhaps the F103 doesn't support Host mode. I'm just trying to do something simple: datalogging to a USB flash drive. Surely that shouldn't be ~this~ hard!
#usb-stm32f103-host-stack2012-02-14 4:36 PM
I have an IAR dev board that has an STM32F107VCT6 processor and host, device and OTG connectors on it. The data sheet
says it has USB 2.0 FS. So it sounds like it can do host ops. Just FS though.2012-02-14 9:36 PM
No STM32103RB does not support USB host as it does not have USB OTG.
STM32F107C (connectivity line), F2 and F4 series supports USB host.