2015-04-30 2:28 PM
Hi everybody
I'd like to make a simple CDC to evaluate STM32CubeMx. Here are the steps done - select the board in STM32CubeMx > Ok - check USB -> Device FS at the bottom (peripherals) - chose USB -> CDC in middlewares As I use Keil �vision 5, I select it in the Project>Settings (Alt+P) Then I generate code and open project in �vision I build the projet, start a debug session and run A Com port appears in the windows device manager. When I use hyperterminal to connect to this comport, hyperterminal opens a message box ''unable to open this port'' Why I use the USB<-> RS 232 gateway example from evalboard softwares, everything is good. STM32CubeMx and its librairies are up to date. What are the steps I missed using STM32CubeMx? Thanks #stm32cube-stm32l152-eval-usb-cdc