2014-05-21 4:34 AM
Hello folks!
I'm developing a firmware using USB library of ST to STM32F407. My application is a Tester that test the communication of each device and the problem is: I can test the first and second devide, but I can't go on with test routine... and I don't know what else I can do... please, If someone has already worked with this library and can help me, I'll fell glad... below my code...USBD_Init(&USB_OTG_dev,USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID,&USR_desc,&USBD_HID_cb,&USR_cb); Delay_ms(10000); /* ''Conecta'' o cabo USB na BeagleBone (5v, D+, D- e GND) */ Set_5V_GND_USB; Set_Test_BB; /* Envia este vetor ''Buffer_Transceive'' pela USB */ Buffer_Transceive[0] = 0xFF; Buffer_Transceive[1] = 'E'; Buffer_Transceive[2] = 'N'; Buffer_Transceive[3] = 'E'; Buffer_Transceive[4] = 'R'; Buffer_Transceive[5] = 'M'; Buffer_Transceive[6] = 'A'; Buffer_Transceive[7] = 'X'; do { USBD_HID_SendReport (&USB_OTG_dev, Buffer_Transceive, 8); Delay_ms(500); } /* Aguarda os dados retornarem */ /* INCLUIR ''TIMEOUT'' */ while(Buffer_Receive[1] == 0); USB_OTG_StopDevice(&USB_OTG_dev); DCD_DevDisconnect(&USB_OTG_dev);And the code repeat to another device... is there something wrong #host #usb #stm32f407 #cdc2014-05-23 1:55 AM
Please try to edit your post & format the code using ''Format Code Block'' feature (see left top corner) so that it become easier to read.
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