2023-04-25 1:00 PM
My program, linked with Paho SDK C library, works fine connecting to a UNIX-hosted Mosquitto MQTT Broker. The required SSL/TLS connection involved self-signed certificate generation. Those same client certificate sets work with "MQTT Explorer" and MQTT-spy. The 3 required certificates in each client-set are:
they are generated using OpenSSL from the terminal and are all in PEM (text) x509 format and constitute the minimum certificate info. that must be built-in and handled by each client. The program I'm developing talks to my Mosquitto Broker configured with:
Quite straight forward with Paho SDK. Clients connected - All working great!
I need to get this client program working on an STM32 board. I have ST.com MQTT example code running against mosquitto.org's test broker. I implemented a Mosquitto Broker on my LAN, to which all my Paho SDK programs connect, but the converted MQTT example code does not. (The Azure SDK is horribly complicated). I had my STM32 board client-program working with anonymous access over SSL/TLS with one certificate installed.
nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize(trusted_certificate_ptr (UCHAR *)ca_crt_der, sizeof(ca_crt_der), NX_NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NX_SECURE_X509_KEY_TYPE_NONE);
(returns TX_SUCCESS here)
nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add(TLS_session_ptr, trusted_certificate_ptr);
(returns TX_SUCCESS here too)
That only introduces one of the 3 required certificates, with the PEM/x509 format converted to a C header hex-code array using:
openssl base64 -d -in ../ca/ca.crt -out ca.crt.der
xxd -i ca.crt.der > ca.crt.der.h
I cannot figure out how to properly extend this certificate introduction code to include all three (required) certificates needed for SSL/TLS connections.
I have tried adding one more "initialize"/"add" block:
nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize(trusted_certificate_ptr (UCHAR *)client_crt_der, sizeof(client_crt_der), NX_NULL, 0, (UCHAR *)client_key_der, sizeof(client_key_der), NX_SECURE_X509_KEY_TYPE_EC_DER);
(Returns fail (0x18a) here)
nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add(TLS_session_ptr, trusted_certificate_ptr);
here, the client_key_der was produced using:
openssl ec -inform pem -in client.key -outform der -out client.key.der
xxd -i client.key.der > client.key.der.h
I've also tried 3 separate "initialize"/"add" blocks without treating the client.key info as a different info-type i.e., the initial ca_crt_der (above) followed by these two "initialize"/"add" blocks:
nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize(trusted_certificate_ptr, (UCHAR*)client_crt_der, (USHORT)sizeof(client_crt_der), NX_NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NX_SECURE_X509_KEY_TYPE_NONE);
(returns TX_SUCCESS here)
nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add(TLS_session_ptr, trusted_certificate_ptr);
(Returns fail (0x4d) here)
nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize(trusted_certificate_ptr, (UCHAR*)client_key_der, (USHORT)sizeof(client_key_der), NX_NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NX_SECURE_X509_KEY_TYPE_NONE);
nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add(TLS_session_ptr, trusted_certificate_ptr);
I have no idea where to go from here. The Microsoft documentation does not seem to indicate how I should integrate the additional certificates. Do I need to create more space? Am I OK reusing the TLS_session_ptr and trusted_certificate_ptr structures, i.e. does the nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add() copy the passed structure data or should I allocate new structure space? What else do I need to try?
I'm fumbling around like I'm flying a helicopter in the fog
Any help would be appreciated.
2023-05-24 10:01 PM
Just in case you haven't, test the functioning of the Azure client without the security so at the least you know that it works. I have successfully used the insecure mode of the NetX mqtt client code, but not the secure mode. However, I used TLS code in other embedded environments and you must be aware of the cryptographic suite limitations. For example per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/rtos/netx-duo/netx-secure-tls/chapter1 "ECDH-based ciphersuites are not supported. Use ECDHE instead." There are probably more limitations.
2023-10-23 8:35 AM
nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add() is for certificates of servers you are connecting to.
so you need to call it only with the server certificate.
For your own device certificate (client certificate) I think you should use nx_secure_tls_local_certificate_add().
I don't know if there are other functions to call if you want to connect to a TLS server with client certificate.
Another point: make sure to use binary DER certificates with netxduo functions. not PEM.
I see no need to use the openssl base64 conversion you mention:
openssl base64 -d -in ../ca/ca.crt -out ca.crt.der
If your certificates are in PEM format (clear text ASCII with "----- BEGIN ----" "------ END ----" headers/trailers ) you can convert them to binary DER with:
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in ../ca/ca.crt -outform DER -out ca.crt.der
xxd -i ca.crt.der > ca.crt.der.h