2020-03-30 5:20 AM
2020-04-09 3:46 AM
Hello @Ipark.1
Would please specify your question ? Do you want to plug the STM32H7 in USB 3.0 port?
STM32 MCUs supports only USB2.0 HS or FS.
If you plug the STM32 to an USB3.0 port the STM32 will work only in USB 2.0 mode.
Best regards
2020-04-09 7:46 PM
hi~! Mr Bouraoui...
If I can't use usb 3.0 with STM32 then I will change micom to STM32H7xxx.
STM32H7xxx can read data of USB 3.0 ??
If you have source code then please let me know..
please reply... Thank you..
2020-04-14 4:12 AM
Hello @Ipark.1
You can find usb device/host application through STM32CubeFW : stm32cube_fw_h7_v160.zip\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Applications
or you can download it form ST web site STM32CubeH7.
Best regards,