2015-03-09 01:50 AM
I'm using CubeMX F1 and setting up an project for MDK-ARM with only CAN1 non-blocking RX.
When receieving an CAN message and do a break in the CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler I can se it has got the message right, and it calls the HAL_CAN_IRQHandler wich then calls CAN_Receive_IT and after about 3 steps in the CAN_Receive_IT I get IMPRECISERR hardfault error.But if I do exactly the same for an F4 it works fine.Should I do something different on the F1 than the F4 or is it an issue with the HAL_CAN for the F1 in CubeMX?Any help is appreciated :) #cubemx #stm32f1 #hal #can