2012-10-20 01:24 AM
Hi !
I'm talking about stm32f4_discovery_audio_codec.c v1.1.0 for CS43L22 .It is used in the record & playback audio demo and you can find it in the ''utilities'' folder.I've struggled a lot to make the circular buffer mode DMA work !There seems to be a confusion in the audio data size counting method : sometimes bytes (8 bits) and other times half words (16 bits).I would suggest to use Size variable to always count in half word.It will affect :uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_Play(uint16_t* pBuffer, uint32_t Size){
/* Set the total number of data to be played (count in half-word) */
AudioTotalSize = Size;
/* Call the audio Codec Play function */
/* Update the Media layer and enable it for play */
Audio_MAL_Play((uint32_t)pBuffer, (uint32_t)(DMA_MAX(Size)));
/* Update the remaining number of data to be played */
AudioRemSize = Size - DMA_MAX(AudioTotalSize);
/* Update the current audio pointer position */
CurrentPos = pBuffer + DMA_MAX(AudioTotalSize);
return 0;
} #audio-codec-cs43l22
2012-10-30 09:11 AM
Another weird thing for me is why are audio samples typed as uint16_t ? They are signed integers.
This has caused a problem in my project when converting one format in an other.For converting 32bits floats to 16bits ''unsigned'' integers, GNU ARM gcc needs :(uint16_t)((int16_t)((32767.0f) * y ))
But IAR seems all right with :(uint16_t)((32767.0f) * y )
Cheers !By the way here is a video of my sound gadget :2012-11-02 01:30 AM
Nice effects! I am no expert about audio processing, but it seems the I2S DMA hardware deals with unsigned buffers. Then in the IRQ routine, a conversion to/from float is needed if you are using some FIR that needs floats for example. And a cast to the ptr is not enough, but rather loop with converting each value. BR, Chris