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STCMB1: output driver pins current limit


Hi, the output pins of the STCMB1 (pin 14 ,16,19) that drive the mosfets gate are protected from transient current peaks ?

In the datasheet there are the current capability of the drivers (e.g pin 14 GD_PFC is capable of a 0.6 A source current and a 0.8 A sink current).

If I put a very low external gate resistance (1-2 Ohm) , when the mosfet turn on the driver output peak current theoretically exceed the 0,6 A source current of the datasheet.

The STCMB1 is internally protected from that istantaneous current peak ? it automatically limits the driver current to 0,6 A ?

Or otherwise I have to design the external gate resistance of the mosfet to guarantee that the maximum driver current is lower than 0,6 A also during that transient ?