2013-12-28 2:35 AM
The link for the vector contril FOC motor control library has an Error: STSW-STM32100 https://my.st.com/st-extranet-web-active/active/en/errors/page_not_found?url=/st-extranet-web-active/active/en/st_prod_software/resource/technical/software/firmware/stsw-stm32100.zip Can anyone tell me the correct link please, I need it urgently. Thanks a lot., best Regards2014-01-02 12:05 AM
Ciao Dominik
it should be this:http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/PF257936
Once the page is opened, click on the Download button on the bottom. Anyhow I suggest to wait a little, because probably next week will be released a new version (v.3.4) Ciao Gigi