2013-04-18 7:07 AM
HI ,
1.can any one tell me how to PWM DC motor using L6205 ,via EN pin or INX pin ? 2.how can i make the motor coasting (in PWM OFF) ? for the Table in the Datasheet when EN=1, if IN1=0,IN2=1 => OUT1=GND OUT2=VS else IN1=1,IN2=0 = > OUT1=VS OUT=GND how can i put the H bridge in HighZ (only 1 side ) ? from what i understand PWM DC motor in specific direction there are 2 phase PWM ON - the motor get VS (Left H bridge side) and GND (High H bridge side) PWM OFF - the motor is coasting (Left H bridge side is in High Z) and GND (High H bridge side) #l6205 #dc-motor-control