Does the DRD (data switch) require DRP (power switch)?
Does the DRD (data switch) require DRP (power switch)?
Yes. It is mandatory by the standard.However, with TCPP02, although the product is SRC only and not DRP, it is possible to use DRD (Device data) because the TCPP02’s external MOS reverse diode will block the sink DC voltage.
Can the TCPP03 be used for Source products?
No, because by default, the TCPP03 presents its Rd resistors (Dead Battery resistors) so it presents itself as a sink by default.
Why are two MOS required for DRP?
DRP uses two power paths: consumer and provider. When the consumer path is used, the received current must not leak to the provider path; it is blocked by the body diode of the MOS.
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9:17 AM