Can DRP support sink and source concurrently?
Can DRP support sink and source concurrently?
Depending on what is connected to the port, only one role is selected at a single time by a DRP port.
What is the cost increase for Dual Port compared to Sink only?
Dual port requires one STM32G0 embedding two USB-C PD controllers and one TCPP01 for each sink port. This is a low-cost solution compared to having two external controllers.
If the Sink requests 5A, and the Source is 5A capable, can the cable limit the PDO negotiation?
Yes, the cable is part of the power contract negotiation. If the cable cannot support 5A, the 5A PDO is rejected.
In legacy 5V applications, does it mean that all Sinks must accept 3A because any Source can deliver 3A?
No. the Sink takes the required current from the Source if the Source can provide it.Ex: SRC = 3A, SNK = 1A è SNK uses only 1A
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