2016-02-27 7:31 AM
I would like to use the STM32-Mat/Target to generate C Code with Matlab Simulink. When using the CAN_Send Block from the Target Support Package Library I can send CAN-Messages, but they are all zeros (ID = 0, Data = 0, DLC = 0, ...) even though I specified values f�r the Input Ports. The Reason for this is that the CAN_Send.tlc File writes the specified values into the pRxMsg Struct instead of the pTxMsg Struct (see attached File) : When chaning pRxMsg to pTxMsg in the .TLC File or the C-Code everything works fine. Has anyone encountered the same problem? Is this a problem with the STM32-Mat Target or am I using the Send Block incorrectly? Thanks for your Help Thomas #mattarget #simulink #can #stm32