2009-03-23 9:44 PM
2011-05-17 12:58 AM
iam trying to interface str912 to ADC7490 using SSP. which one we can use as a master/slave either adc/controller. my SSP configuration seems like SSP0->CR0 = 0x0487; //Serial CLK Rate(SCR) 4,Motorola,SCLK held low,second clock edge,8bit data SSP0->PR = 12; //prescalar value. SSP0->CR1 = 0x02; //SSP0 enable,Master Mode Enabled When and how i could Enable NSS(CS) signal from LOW to HIGH,after 16 bits of data. can anyone plz help me out thankx in advance regards Madhu [ This message was edited by: kairos on 24-03-2009 11:34 ]