2007-05-07 4:43 AM
2007-05-07 2:37 AM
Hi, I have build the code :
START_ADD EQU 0 MAINCODE section code at START_ADD MAINPROC proc near mov R0,#0FA60h W0: jnb 0FF6Eh.7,W0 movb [R0],0FEB2h bclr 0FF6Eh.7 cmpi1 R0,#(0FA60h+278-1) jmpr cc_NE,W0 nop nop nop nop nop nop MAINPROC ENDP MAINCODE ENDS END 32 byte 16 istruction, for load 278 byte in iram. But, if I load this code, after +/- 200 byte sended, the MCU reset. I don't understand for what.