2007-04-05 5:58 AM
Problem writing to XPEREMU register
2007-04-03 7:00 AM
Dear Madam/Sir,
Im porting MicroC/OS-II and some applications onto ST10F276 uC. Im using Hitex (DProbeST10) emulator for emulating the ST10F276uC. Compiler used is Keil uVision3. Problem Description In StartA66, 1) Im setting the XPERCON register with value 0x685H (Enabling bits : XMISCEN,XI2CEN,XASCEN,XRAM1 & XCAN1) ... XPERCON DEFR 0F024H EXTR #1 MOV XPERCON,#V_XPERCON ;V_XPERCON EQU 0000$0110$1000$0101B ... 2) After setting the XPEN bit in SYSCON, the contents of XPERCON is copied into XPEREMU .... XPEREMU EQU 0EB7EH XPEREMU EQU 0EB7EH MOV R1,XPEREMU MOV R2,#685H ;Same value written into XPERCON earlier MOV [R1],R2 .... The project is then compiled in Keil uVision3 and the executable generated is downloaded using the Emulator Application GUI(HiTOP) into the Emulator's internal emulation memory. Following are the points noted 1) In Emulator GUI(HiTOP) disassembler, the instuction MOV R1,XPEREMU is shown as: MOV R1,DPP3:0x2B7E (DPP3 value is 3) But right after stepping this instruction, the GPR R1 is having a value of 0xFF8C instead of being 0xEB7E Also after instruction MOV [R1],R2 ; the XPEREMU register value is shown as 0xAE6 instead of being 0x685 From this point onwards, the value of XPEREMU keeps changing with random values in each step. But interesting to say, when i do a reset then the XPEREMU shows its value as 0x685 correctly. Is this an expected behaviour ? How can i confirm that the XBUS peripherals are initialized correctly? 2) I was told by my Hitex dealor that the XPERCON register does not exist within the bondout chip and that i will have to use the XPEREMU register instead for successful emulation of XBUS peripherals. The XPERCON register is not accessible and is always having a value 0. Note: In the memory mapping window of both Keil and Emulator GUI, iam mapping the range 0xC000 - 0xFFFF. im not sure whether this mapping is required and correct. Please help me with your valuable suggestions. Im also uploading a copy of the StartA66 file. Thanks in advance, Regards Rajiv ________________ Attachments : Start167.a66 : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0NW&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bYF%2FFPUj74jcIciP_Sbj0PHzszF47HJjTYfE2KS1x_1nyPU&asPdf=false