2018-08-20 06:27 AM
We are using STiH310EJB538 and STiH310EJB437 processor module,
Same binary is booting in the two modules but the issue is when we run the "modprobe stlinuxtv" commands the STiH310EJB538 module is running successfully, but the STiH310EJB437 module getting hang. the debug console print is not getting for the source code, please provide if possible to enable the debug boot log prints in that stlinux source.
Please provide supported development documents.
And the STiH310EJB538 module is having HDMI port is a bi-direction (input/output) and STiH310EJB437 HDMI port is unidirectional (only output).
booting o STIH310EJB538
- > "modprobe stlinuxtv"
loading TEE/LX drivers
setting default configuration STV6440 for HD Output
Please support to resolve this issue.