2017-01-11 11:24 AM
Posted on January 11, 2017 at 20:24
is an easy-to-use comprehensive software tool suite ready to help customers in their needs by transforming application requirements into satisfactory solutions accurately modeled on the remarkable range of ST products.
The suite includes three types of software tool:
How it Works
Startup Page
Specification Page
Design Page
eDesignSuite is based on three main high-level UI modules:
Startup PageSpecification PageDesign Page
How it Works
Startup Page
Specification Page
Design Page
The user experience begins from the Startup Page (the main entry point of the tool). This page clearly shows all the available application types, the examples provided together with the tool and manages all the projects made by the users. Any single user of eDesignSuite has its own private storage space (home area) where he can store his works, when logged-on, he can manage his stored-projects from the
.To create a new project, simply select the application type, navigate through the application tree (according the needs) and enjoy the simplicity.
How it Works
Startup Page
Specification Page
Design Page
After the user select the application type from the Startup Page, eDesignSuite shows the ''Specification Page'', that is the main interface for the user to really create a new design.
It is the place where the user can declare the high-level requirements for his application and asks eDS to identify and propose all the available suitable solutions. Of course, here, it is possible to reduce the proposed list, applying filters on specific devices features.
This module is very effective, it can act in two way, at the beginning it acts as an advanced finder, but after the user select one of the available solutions, it can validate the specifications according the capability of that solution; this prevent the adoption of solutions when out of spec range.
Thanks to this module, the user can even have a preliminary qualitative evaluation of the complexity of the proposed solution.
How it Works
Startup Page
Specification Page
Design Page
After eDesignSuite builds a design, it opens the Design Page that provides to the end user the complete design.
It provides:
The user can fine tune the proposed design by adding more advanced constrains; in the case of power supply it includes ''stability performance'', ''component selection'' and more...
video : please see attachment
2017-01-17 6:50 AM
Very powerful and interesting tool