2014-08-19 6:35 PM
I have the LIS3DH setup to trigger interrupt 1 when '6 direction movement recognition' on all axis using HP filter example on application note page 24.This works well.After being set I read the HP_FILTER_RESET and also the INT1_SRC which resets the filter position and clears the interrupt, ready to sense movement again.If I disable the LIS3DH with 0x00 in ctrl_reg1 while the interrupt is triggered, the interrupt stays triggered (it is active low, so it stays low). If I read the HP_FILTER_RESET and also the INT1_SRC the interrupt does not reset.(1) Is there any way to clear the interrupt like I can do when the LIS3DH is 'enabled'?(2) My goal is to reset the interrupt (to high state since it is active low) after it has been triggered and disable it even if the device is still moving. Is this possible?(3) Is there a command that will drive the interrupt line high directly regardless of movement?Thank you #lis3dh-interrupt2014-09-23 5:39 PM
For anyone interested I received this comment from ST support which satisfies my need...
''the best way would be to disable I1_AOI1 before going to power down. That will guarantee that the interrupt is de-asserted before going to power down.''
2015-12-09 7:39 AM
What was the actual address of the HP_FILTER_RESET for the LIS3DH?Sorry to jump on this so late... your post is the only place on the entire internet that mentions this register other than the POS datasheet.