2015-01-22 10:04 AM
Good morning,
Our company is developing a vending machine that includes your sensor LIS3DH controled by one STM32 microcontroller. But until now we haven't get it to receive even the first acknolege response from the LIS3DH. The communications are made by I2C, and the module is connected following the instruccions of datasheet.We have checked the signal of the I2C with the oscilloscope and it seems right, despite there is no response from the device.You can find attached The schema of the connections and a simplified version of the code. (in this case we are just asking a response of the testing answer WHO_AM_I)Could anyone help us? What are we doing wrong?Thanks in advance2015-02-24 4:11 AM
Try the device driver fromhttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257531I'm using this with the I2C code that CubeMX generated and I can communicate normally.