2012-12-07 2:55 AM
Dear Forum,
i try use the maximum aquision frequency of 400Hz (acc, mag and gyro). My application is written in C++ (Visual Studio 2012, Windows 7) and i use the SDK for accessing the device content.Having a buffersize of >= 4 I only reach a datarate of about 270Hz. It looks like the serial interface is not able to handle that much data.Is it possible to increase the serial speed anyhow?Thank you very much!/Daniel(iNemo suite also does not handle the 400Hz)EDIT: My ''having buffersize >= 4'' may be misunderstood. Using a samplebuffer, that is smaller than 4, i reach a smaller frequency (down to 66Hz at buffersize=1). Raising the buffersize raises the frequency up to max. 270Hz . #serial #baudrate #aquision #sdk