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Wireless M-bus - transceiver IC & wm-bus software stack

Silas Valera
Posted on October 19, 2017 at 20:58


I am working on a smart meter project and looking for RF transceiver IC for Sub-1GHz bands for Wireless m-bus. I found the S2-LP (

) seems to fit the requirements. Here are my question before I actually go ahead with that selection:

1. S2-LP has SPI interface so I believe I can use any microcontroller with it? I am planning to use STM32L0 / L1 

2. Is all the software stack available to implement wireless m-bus?  

3. Do I need to use any specific compiler (like IAR) ? or I can develop using GNU ARM compiler?

4. Is there any RF module limitation i.e. do I have to use SPSGRF-868 RF module as is used in evaluation board X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4?  

Any help will be very much appreciated!



#smart-metering #wm-bus #s2-lp
Silas Valera
Posted on October 24, 2017 at 01:29

Can anyone please reply? Anyone from ST please? 

Thanks in advance!


Posted on October 24, 2017 at 14:30

1. S2-LP has SPI interface so I believe I can use any microcontroller with it? I am planning to use STM32L0 / L1 

=> Sure. You can use any MCU. The wM-Bus example available on SPIRIT1 is based on STM32L1. You can use the same MCU.

2. Is all the software stack available to implement wireless m-bus?  

=> The S2-LP library is available on web. It can be used

3. Do I need to use any specific compiler (like IAR) ? or I can develop using GNU ARM compiler?

=> X-CUBE-SUBG1 is providing example of wM-Bus in IAR, Keil, SW4STM32 (GCC) compiler. You can look at it.

The wM-Bus is provided as library

4. Is there any RF module limitation i.e. do I have to use SPSGRF-868 RF module as is used in evaluation board X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4?  

=> SPSGRF-868 module is for SPIRIT1. The wM-Bus example is already available for X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4

Posted on October 25, 2017 at 16:31

Thank you so much! 

Best regards
